Bikini Body Workout screenshot 1 Bikini Body Workout screenshot 2 Bikini Body Workout screenshot 3 Bikini Body Workout screenshot 4 Bikini Body Workout screenshot 5 Bikini Body Workout screenshot 6
Supported Devices
May 16,2019
3.12 MB
Release Date
There you have it -- a bikini body workout that will get you ready for the beach before you know it. Feel free to do one to three rounds depending on your fitness level and add on when you’re ready to kick it up a notch. Do this workout one to two times a week to spice up your current routine or two to three times combined with a few 30-minute cardio sessions to make your own personalized routine. Since you're working your entire body, you don’t need to worry about hitting different muscle groups each day -- just make sure you give yourself at least a day of rest in between workouts. See you at the beach!