Myersplash is a Windows 10 UnSplash client that works on both Windows 10 Mobile and Windows 10. It doesn’t do anything but let you download images and set them as your wallpaper, but it is very well designed.
The app has a very minimalist design on PCs, dedicating almost all the visible UI space to displaying a grid of photos available in the app, with an unobtrusive hamburger menu which allows you to select photo categories.
It also makes very good use of animations, making browsing the photo gallery in the app a fluid and eye pleasing experience – something I think more Windows developers should pay attention to.
This app grab the bing daily image & set it as your lock screen.
Bing has the greatest images & now you can get use them for your lock screen. Set one of the eight latest images manually or automatically update the lockscreen to today's image!
You can also copy the image to your machine, perfect for use as a desktop! If you want to email the image to a friend, why not use the share charm to share the image with your email program.
Your live tile will also update to show the most recent images, great to keep your desktop feeling fresh & alive!
The best lock screen images in amazing HD resolution
Daily background updates - run it once and it will do the rest
Don't want it automatic? Not a problem - you can change the image manually too!
Live tile of the most recent 5 images!
Save the images locally for use as wallpapers
Brilli Wallpaper Changer is a fascinating app for a few reasons. For one, it is universal. That means the app runs on your Windows 10 PC, tablet, Surface and phone. The other is that it can change your lockscreen, desktop and Start screen automatically every 15 minutes (or more).
- Get a new wallpaper daily from Bing Images. - Choose region to download the Bing image. - Browse wallpapers through online sources and easily add them to your collections - Create multiple collections - Change wallpaper at regular intervals ranging from 15 minutes to 1 day - Clean and easy interface - Use the same or different collections as lock screen & start/desktop screen wallpaper - Set Bing daily image as wallpaper.
Just as the review from "Windows Central" : "Brilli Wallpaper Changer is the Universal Windows 10 app you have been waiting for!
You tell the app your location and then it dynamically adjusts your desktop throughout the day. I'd like the option to add custom photos in the future but even as it is, WinDynamic Desktop is nice to use. It's worth pointing out that you just type in your location, so you don't have to grant the app access to your device's location and you could choose to have it change based on any region you'd like.
Total synchronization with all your Windows 10 devices with one click! Specially designed for Windows 10. SHARE your OWN collection. Upload and download wallpapers.
Wallpaper Studio 10 is a fantastic HD wallpaper app for all Windows 10 device and even for Microsoft Band or Microsoft Band 2. More than 20,000 high quality HD wallpapers for your Lock Screen or Background. Set or download them on click of a button. The only app with which you can upload, share and get likes for your own wallpapers. Be the first publisher who has the most liked wallpapers. Wallpaper Studio 10 is available with thousands of high definition wallpapers for you to download for any Windows 10 device or Microsoft Band.
Absolutely one of the best wallpaper apps on Windows 10.