Most Popular Games for Windows 10

Most Popular games for Windows 10.

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BeeFense - Tower Defense
We give away 500x this game. Get it for free with this code: 222RQ-4KVP9-QMP99-XXXQP-GGJ3Z Build a fortress! Defend your honey! Protect your bee hive fortress against the hornet menace by building the best Bee defense: a BeeFense! Command your Bees to get beesy


Ugolki (Corners)
Ugolki (also known as Corners or Уголки in Russia) is a two-player board game that is typically played on an 8×8 checkers/chess board


Popular card game usually played in Latin countries


Le Petit Bac
Vous vous souvenez surement du jeu du petit bac auquel vous jouiez quand vous étiez à l'école? Cette application est un assistant qui vous propose des thèmes de jeu, un chronomètre et le tirage au sort des lettres


Sticker Craft
Sticker Craft - game about crafting stickers and collecting them


scrabble fr
scrabble en français : Pour jouer à deux ou seul contre soi même


Kill Word SSE HD
KW Solar System Edition is an interplanetary guess game: have fun testing your knowledge about the solar system! More than 400 words about the planets and moons in our solar system and the spacecrafts that have explored them!! SELECT A CATEGORY AND TRY TO BEAT THE HIGHEST SCORE! FREE FULL VERSION (paid version without banners) Main categories: Space ships and stations Space Telescopes (6 categories divided by wave length) Space Telescopes (all) Spacecraft missions (10 categories divided by target) Planets Dwarf planets Planets and major moons Moons (divided by planet) Rocky and dwarf planets moons Asteroids Comets Extra: Major stars Constellations (divided by hemisphere and Zodiac) Features You can display the best scores for each level


Space Kombat: Evade
Space scroller Your ship are damaged and you can only evade your enemy Get the Best Score in game


Test your hand to eye coordination and reactions with Boom


Rooster Shooter do Brasil
Rooster Shooter goes around the world. Second stop: World Cup Brasil 2014


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