Ultimate TicTacToe screenshot 1 Ultimate TicTacToe screenshot 2 Ultimate TicTacToe screenshot 3
Supported Devices
May 15,2019
418 KB
Release Date
If you're tired of playing regular old tic tac toe, try this version. In this game of tic tac toe, there are 9 small tic tac toe boards in a large 3x3 tic tac toe game. To win, players must win 3 smaller games that connect in a straight line (basically the smaller victories become the piece for the bigger board). If there is a tie in a smaller board then the space turns white and is neither X nor O.

There are no restrictions on the placements of each players' piece. You can place it on one board then on somewhere else, etc. The strategies are numerous.

This game supports one-player and two-player mode.

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