Time Boxed screenshot 1 Time Boxed screenshot 2 Time Boxed screenshot 3
Supported Devices
May 19,2019
12.27 MB
Release Date
Get More Things Done - Faster!

When you've got too much to do and not enough time to do it, do you find that this is exactly when you procrastinate the most?

Time Boxed will help you!

Time Boxed uses a productivity strategy called Time Boxing where you allocate a fixed amount of time to work on a task - a time box. Setting a fixed time for a task increases the urgency that you apply to the task, helping you achieve more in the same time. Seeing a timer run down for the duration of the time box can also be a great motivator!

In addition, scheduling a specific time for the time box helps you get started and reduces procrastination.

Watching your todo list grow and feeling powerless to stop it is stressful. Get Time Boxed now and start to turn it around!

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