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Supported Devices
May 16,2019
568 KB
Release Date
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The Freelance Game is a digital teaching aid programmed with artificial intelligence. It works, it is efficient, it is valued and tested. A simulator built on learning by doing. A perfect tool that prepares students for their working life. The teaching aid game is 5-6 times as efficient than traditional teaching aids. Especially adapted for educations in the area art and culture.

The Freelance Game does miracles with students and teens. They suddenly experience that their actions make a difference. For you as a teacher that means that you get engaged and motivated students or pupils who are eager to learn more. You get a lovely feeling and the ability to really make a difference as a teacher. Your students discuss in a new way when they have experience from the simulated reality in the game. Next step is to compare it to the reality that lies in front of them.

In The Freelance Game you play about balance, clients, contacts and reputation. You learn to understand the balance between income and expenses. You also learn the importance of clients, how you find clients and make them pleased. In the game you have an advanced calendar. It is important to keep track of time, deadlines, events and keep everything in phase. You also learn the importance of a personal network and that your own reputation is extremly important.

The Freelance Game has been evaluated by a group of students studying social science with focus on IT. Some quotes:

”The Freelance Game is a social innovation. It contributes by teaching skills to the group of people in society wanting to invest in a career as a freelancer.”

”We also see a kind of innovation in the learning processes because the game is a complement in the course and make it more effective.”

”The game is funny and addicitive, but also educational.”

”The calender in the game is a very good practise before the actual profession. The game clarifies the relation between time, resources and money.”

”And that you can’t work too much if you want to keep healthy.”

”The game creates thoughts and feelings around surviving as an entrepreneur.”

”A feeling is that it’s worth the effort, you get paid for all your trouble.”

At the final workshop many students thought that what you learn from the game would be useful in the future, several years after exam.

Today The Freelance Game is used at universities, colleges and high schools. At the university the game gives the student both the practice and a an entrance to interesting theoretical discussions. – The Freelance Game is a perfect aid for our education, says a teacher at the University of Gothenburg.

The teacher has access to a log and the possibility to look at the student’s result and help with the assessment.

The Freelance Game is web based and not possible to download. It works fine on all units with a modern browser.

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