Taxichapchap Driver screenshot 1
Supported Devices
May 17,2019
7.67 MB
Release Date
So why should you become a partner under this program? Imagine as a driver partner in our program – the first advantage is you don’t need a base. Any spot in the city is a base. Whenever a person near you (within a radius of 3 KM) needs a cab, they just log in to the app TaxiChapChap and call for a cab. POP it appears on your screen and you have a customer. You drop them and wait for some time, another customer calls for a cab. The business can be endless. You are the one to decide when to call it a day.

Authorised Drivers – Taxi ChapChap only works with drivers who are legally allowed to work as taxi drivers and who comply with local regulations, as well as our quality standards.

Partner Training – We properly train all our drivers, and perform a thorough background check to ensure that only those with the best skills become our partners

Quality Standards – Our standards of work are very high. We constantly monitor in real time where our drivers are and how long they take to get to a designated address.

Partner Earning – When you drive with Taxi ChapChap, you decide when and how long to work. It’s easy to make money helping people get around. How much is completely up to you.