Tanga Tracker screenshot 1 Tanga Tracker screenshot 2 Tanga Tracker screenshot 3 Tanga Tracker screenshot 4
Supported Devices
May 13,2019
1000.1 KB
Release Date
Updated to v1.7: bug fixes

Follow Tanga's daily deals straight from your Windows Phone!
Save lots of money on t-shirts, board games, magazines, accessories, and other items from the guys at Tanga (www.tanga.com) with this unofficial app.
Don't wait too long to take advantage of these deals; they only last a day!

V1.7: Fixed an issue where app couldn't handle LOTS of items
v1.6: Fixed issue with image retrieval
v1.5: Fixed issue retrieving items; added live tile
v1.4: Updated for Mango! Also fixed a small bug.
v1.3: Fixed an issue with the progress bar not showing up and fixed transient deal retrieval issue.
v1.2: Fixed an issue retrieving additional deal information
v1.1: Fixed a couple small bugs

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