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Supported Devices
May 20,2019
2.27 MB
Release Date
Check for updates of vendors exclusive applications with this small but handy utility!

**** in this update
- Improved translation.
- Added option to logout from OneDrive

- Support exclusive applications from Nokia, Samsung and HTC
- Support for list of custom applications
- More than 100 exclusive applications
- Can check for availability in your region

*** Read this first! ***
How check for update works:

Windows Phone prevent third party applications from accessing the list of installed applications, though it is impossible to compare installed version with the version on marketplace. So SysApp Pusher stores last checked version locally and them compare this version with version on marketplace to find updates.

If you want to include other vendor exclusive application please fell free to send us information to [email protected]

- Now you can enter APP ID in search box to find beta versions of applications
- Ability to copy vendor app into my apps has been added
- Search now allows to find vendor (your phones vendor is used) specific applications too

- Fixed bug when settings cannot be scrolled

- Implemented list of custom applications
- Added option to check for update for single application

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