StackViewer screenshot 1 StackViewer screenshot 2 StackViewer screenshot 3
Supported Devices
May 19,2019
157.03 KB
Release Date
StackViewer is a simple tool designed to keep track of the Stack and let you code in IA32 Assembly with ease.

Do you happen to write in C and you need to code a specific function in Assembly?
With StackViewer you can visualize the Stack structure inside your function, so that it'll be easier to debug your code.

// Features:
• The app supports push and pop elements in the Stack
• You can use mov to assign a specific value to a Stack element
• Use subl and addl to modify the value of the %esp register and dinamically allocate or deallocate memory inside the Stack
• Call and return from functions: the app will automatically save the return index and remove it when the function ends
• You can enable or disable the use of the %ebp register (the Frame pointer). If it is enabled, the app will backup and restore it when you call and return from a function.
• Support for byte, word and double word Stack elements
• Every Stack element has its %esp index updated in real time
• Color-coded Stack Frame label next to each Stack element: blue for the current Stack Frame and gray for the previous one

// You can send me an email from the info and feedbacks page if you have a feature suggestion or if you found a bug

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