Sorting Hat screenshot 1 Sorting Hat screenshot 2
Supported Devices
May 14,2019
153.23 KB
Release Date
What Hogwarts house do you belong in? In the world of Harry Potter, when a new student entered the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, they are “sorted” by a Sorting Hat into one of four houses. The student puts the Sorting Hat on his/her head, and the Sorting Hat yells out the house to which the magical students will belong during their time at school.

Follow the instructions at to make your own Sorting Hat using this app and a witch's hat.

The Sorting Hat application for Windows Phone uses an accelerometer to pick the house and text-to-speech to call out the house name. Currently, the trigger is touching a button. I built in a 3-second pause for dramatic effect, and then the Hat announces your house.

For more information, code snippets, and a video demonstration, see