Snowwy(Voice Assistant) screenshot 1 Snowwy(Voice Assistant) screenshot 2 Snowwy(Voice Assistant) screenshot 3 Snowwy(Voice Assistant) screenshot 4 Snowwy(Voice Assistant) screenshot 5
Supported Devices
May 20,2019
999.87 KB
Release Date
Hello everyone, I am Snowwy, your personal voice assistant, I can help you do many things and chat with you if you have bored feeling, please take me to your family.

Say "summon snowwy" to Cortana can find me, I will execute your commands even the screen is black, there are many commands in the lab, the black font words is the commands you can say, gray font words is my responses, commands and responses all can use separate char "|" to separate it, responses after separate will execute one randomly.

I born with many commands and responses, this is not enough absolutely, you can extend me immortally, study now and get it now, you must be satisfied.

You can add/edit/delete the list to extend my skills in the lab, Command and response can be text, like session between two persons, can invoke packaged functions to handle tasks, it need you to use snowwy language, it is esay to use.

Snowwy language has some basic actions of programming language:
number operstion、condition judge、loop、variable and function、async、file IO、HTTP request and so on
the following is three parts of Snowwy language, you can study it with command list, and you will be a mini programmer soon.

Command and response can use [song] to listen in song names, singer names, album names and list names of music library,can use [contact] to listen in contact names.

Command can use event, the following is events notes, pay attention to body sense event cannot trigger while screen is black
[onboot] //snowwy has prepared
[shake] //shake your phone
[screen down] //let screen down
[screen up] //let screen up

Response can use function and expression, the following is it's notes, pay attention to the expression, if something out your mind, you should check the expression errors
[async ExecuteCode] //async execute code
[calc Expression] //calculate a math expression
[call ContactOrNumber] //call Contact or Number
[cancel] //cancel current working task
[ctrlb Code] //bluetooth remote execute code
[ctrll IP Code] //LAN remote execute code
[ctrlw FirstTimePairIP Code] //WAN remote execute code
[copy Content] //copy the content to clipboard
[exe Command] //search Command in command list to execute
[exit] //exit the software
[for StartValue EndValue ExecuteCode] //for loop, use [i] get current value
[forget FileName] //delete file
[get battery] //get battery power percent
[get date] //get current day date
[get ip] //get local machine IP address,the value will be null if no net connect
[get name] //get master name
[get pi] //get pi(3.14....)
[get position] //get current longitude and latitude,need your allow for get your place
[get time] //get current time
[get week] //get current day week
[http Url] //get the content of the url
[if [String][MatchString][ExecuteCode][NoMatchExecuteCode]] //logical decision
[light off] //turn off the flash lamp
[light on] //turn on the flash lamp
[list clear] //clear the list,please use it careful
[list reset] //reset the list,please use it careful
[listen Keyword1,Keyword2] //recognition your voice, need internet if keywords count is zero
[log copy] //copy all webpage remote execute code log to the clipboard
[loop Response] //loop execute Response until you (say "stop") or ((event or webpage remote) execute "[loopend]") to end loop
[loopend] //end loop,pay attention,only can use event or webpage remote execute it
[mail ContactOrAddress] //send mail to Contact or Address
[music next] //play next song
[music pause resume] //control music pause/resume
[music play] //play all music of media library
[music play SongNameOrSingerOrListOrAlbum] //look for Name in media library and play it
[music previous] //play previous song
[music single loop] //single song loop current playing song
[open Uri] //open a Uri
[put IP] //transfer local image to another phone
[random MinValue MaxValue] //get a random number between MinValue and MaxValue
[recall FileName] //read local file
[record audio] //start record audio
[record cut Id] //delete recording file,Id is file id,starts from 0
[record play Id] //play recording file,Id is file id,starts from 0
[record video] //start record video
[record video flash] //start record video with flash
[record video front] //start record video with front camera
[recordend] //stop record
[remember FileName Content] //write content to local file
[return] //stop execute code
[search Keyword] //use Bing search keyword
[screen lock] //lock screen
[show Content] //show the content in a window
[sleep Milliseconds] //sleep Milliseconds time,1 minute = 1000 milliseconds
[sms ContactOrNumber] //send message to Contact or Number
[sub String SplitString1 SplitString SkipCount] //in String, Skip SkipCount SplitString1, get the substring between SplitString1 and SplitString2
[take photo] //use primary camera to take photo
[take photo flash] //use primary camera and open flash lamp to take photo
[take photo front] //use front camera to take photo
[text clear] //clear saved text
[text copy] //copy saved text to the clipboard
[text save] //convert your voice to text and save to local storage
[var VariableOrFunctionName Value] //set or get of variable or function
[vibrate Milliseconds] //vibrate Milliseconds,the valid value of Milliseconds is between 0 and 5000
[voice CountryShort MaleOrFemale] //set snowwy lanuage, m is mail, f is female

Use these functions can come true many fun actions,such as use the following code to show SOS signal(need flash lamp):
[loop [light on][sleep 100][light off][sleep 100][light on][sleep 100][light off][sleep 100][light on][sleep 100][light off][sleep 500][light on][sleep 500][light off][sleep 500][light on][sleep 500][light off][sleep 500][light on][sleep 500][light off][sleep 100]]

Other apps(such as Customize Tile) can invoke me to execute code,such as use the following code to let me take a photo and exit:
snowwy:[take photo]OK[exit]

You can use other devices of your LAN to remote control me,open my ip address in your browser,such as 192.168.1.X,then input code and push enter key to execute

If you can not understand these expressions yet,you can analyse my default list,via me,you can be a mini programer~
If you have good advices,you can contact author via EMail([email protected])
If you like this software,I hope you can buy the paid version,thanks for your support!
