Recarga Amigo screenshot 1 Recarga Amigo screenshot 2 Recarga Amigo screenshot 3 Recarga Amigo screenshot 4 Recarga Amigo screenshot 5 Recarga Amigo screenshot 6
Supported Devices
May 14,2019
1.1 MB
Release Date
Do not miss communication, top up your phone or purchase a data package for your Telcel or another Amigo Telcel user, with charge to your Credit or Debit Card, quickly with the option to purchase without signing up, or if you sign up by creating a 4 digit PIN so you can set up recurring top ups, balance transfer (Pasatiempo) to share your balance to another Amigo Telcel user, easily and quickly register your bank card for the faster recharge, check your balance, purchase history and contact online support application. The available price points available are: $20, $30, $50, $100, $150, $200, $300 and $500 pesos; in all denominations applies Promotional Air Time good at the time of purchasing.
The information on your credit cards and debit cards will always be secure and protected.

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