QQ空间 screenshot 1 QQ空间 screenshot 2 QQ空间 screenshot 3 QQ空间 screenshot 4 QQ空间 screenshot 5 QQ空间 screenshot 6 QQ空间 screenshot 7 QQ空间 screenshot 8
Supported Devices
May 20,2019
2.22 MB
Release Date
QQ空间 for Windows Phone7是腾讯公司专门为WindowsPhone7平台用户打造的随时分享精彩、随时关注好友的QQ空间客户端软件。注:软件内的内容、介绍均为中文描述。
1、 好友动态、我的空间动态浏览,在主界面快速评论/转发
2、 导航页的动态内容快速浏览访问
3、 好友图片大图浏览
4、 写说说,支持添加图片、位置信息
5、 拍照上传,支持滤镜处理
6、 写日志,支持多张图片文字混排
7、 内置QQ输入法,流畅的中文输入
8、 支持界面主题切换:默认清新\黑色经典两种主题
9、 支持查看最近访客
[Version Description]
Qzone for Windows Phone7, developed by Tencent, allows you share whatever you want with friends and get updates of your friends easily.
Note: Only Chinese version of the application is available now.
1. Get and reply to your friends' updates in the homepage
2. Quick access to updates from the homepage
3. Check your friend's picture in full size
4. Insert images and location info to Shuoshuo posts
5. Shoot and upload photos, with filters provided for better effect
6. Insert images as required in your diary
7. Built-in Chinese IME
8. Switch between two themes
9. Keep trace of your latest visitors
10. Open Qzone apps directly and get availability notice
11. Quick switch among multiple accounts

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