Prisma Concierge screenshot 1 Prisma Concierge screenshot 2 Prisma Concierge screenshot 3
Supported Devices
May 18,2019
10.2 MB
Release Date
Prisma's Concierge mobile and cloud platform is a live pulse between our customers and their mobile workforce. Concierge combines traditional managed services with the latest in mobile technology that enables our customers with the tools to tailor and deliver the precise set of Mobility Managed Services (MMS) required by each user. Concierge delivers support to users in the most effective and convenient way such as the Call Now or Request Call Back features whilst at all times extracting information about the health of the device to pinpoint issues even before they arise. The Concierge Platform by Prisma allows IT and Administrators to see real-time interaction between users and serviced desk with real-time reporting on the quality of service and solution with a wealth of information and analytics that enable the finite tweaking to extract maximum efficiency and output. Concierge is available on all mobile platforms Apple, Android, Windows Phone and Windows 10.