Presentation Planner screenshot 1
Supported Devices
May 14,2019
17.25 MB
Release Date
Presentation Planner is a simple yet powerful app to help you be in control of your video, audio and image presentation on a projector or a second monitor.

Don't get messy by extending or duplication or making any other configurations on your computer every time you have a presentation. Simple launch the app and it will take care of the rest!

You can add and remove items in your playlists, and play the content for demo. Then, when you are ready to go, you can 'Lock' the playlist. This will also ask for confirmations every time you need to play a video on the projector or a second screen.

Something went wrong during your presentation? Click on 'Black screen' and images, video and audio will stop. Presentation Planner will show a black screen until you feel good to go!

Supported files for this version: mp3, mp4 and png.

It is simple as that! No more, no less!
Download the app and have a nice presentation! :)