

1 ByGodidog   |   $49.49

PDFcompare screenshot 1 PDFcompare screenshot 2 PDFcompare screenshot 3 PDFcompare screenshot 4
Supported Devices
May 16,2019
21.4 MB
Release Date
PDF compare is a Windows application that shows you the visual and internal differences between any two selected PDF files, so you can see exactly what has been changed between the two documents, including hidden details such as author information and modification times.

It compares the page images pixel by pixel, the file byte by byte and also compares all the internal information stored in the PDF, object by object.

The page image comparison makes it simple to see what has changed by highlighting the exact changes in the appearance of the PDF.

The internal PDF information comparison allows you to easily see the internal differences in all PDF Catalog, PDF Metadata and PDF Info fields and drills right down to the individual PDF Object level.

The Page Structure comparison shows how any rearrangements of the page structure.

The Object comparison shows a clickable summary making it easy to see exactly which PDF objects are unchanged, or moved or altered.

It is the premier standalone PDF Comparision tool, priced well below tools which offer only a fraction of its features.