

1 BySmolev Denis   |   Free

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Supported Devices
May 15,2019
77.36 MB
Release Date
Groups of people find more efficient problem solutions than the best one proposed by any individual in the group. It's not a Scrum or Kanban.

Welcome to a new-generation task manager. It is designed for small self-managing and constantly evolving teams working on global projects. And there is more to gain from it! A Worldwide community of such like-minded people can effectively manage reality. We are the ones who inhabit this planet and we know what needs to be done and where. It's time for us to take responsibility for our own lives and improve it together with consistency and determination.

It's time we stopped treating each other as human resources and began thinking of others and ourselves as human beings with needs and feelings. This is the change that we expect in the 21st century and this is the challenge before us at oxTeam.

Start creating a new team or join an existing one.

Research shows a higher level of job satisfaction and personal effectiveness when working as part of a team. A team can be an endless source of strength and motivation.

When you work as a part of a team, your value as an individual professional continually grows. Teamwork is beneficial to all its participants.

It's not a Scrum, Agile or Kanban, it's simple collaborative todo list.

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