Ovulation Tracker screenshot 1 Ovulation Tracker screenshot 2 Ovulation Tracker screenshot 3
Supported Devices
May 22,2019
559.42 KB
Release Date
Ovulation Tracker, the best and most accurate way to track your ovulation and periods!

Ovulation Tracker is SIMPLE and ACCURATE.
* Press a line at the start of your period every month. Ovulation Tracker logs your dates and calculates the average of your past 3 months' menstrual cycles to predict the start date of your next period.
* View your current and future period dates, ovulation and fertile days in a simple month-view calendar.
* Decorate your Windows phone with an icon that looks great on your home screen.

Ovulation Tracker is FILLED WITH FEATURES.
* Take daily notes of menstrual moods, symptoms, and fertility
* See the number of days until your next period or the number of days late.
* Automatically calculate your highest fertility day and future periods
* Best chance to get pregnant!