NFC Commander

NFC Commander

158 By‪JasonP‬   |   Free

NFC Commander screenshot 1 NFC Commander screenshot 2 NFC Commander screenshot 3 NFC Commander screenshot 4 NFC Commander screenshot 5 NFC Commander screenshot 6 NFC Commander screenshot 7
Supported Devices
May 20,2019
1.97 MB
Release Date
Download NFC Commander to read and write NDEF NFC tags.
NDEF is the most supported format of NFC tags and NFC Commander let you use it the way you want.

1.View general info about an nfc tag.
2.View all the NDEF records of the given nfc tag.
3.View raw data written in the tag in hex.
4.Write NFC tags to do actions when you tap them to your phone.

Q:what can I program my nfc tags to do with nfc commander?
A: i)launch any application
ii) send SMS to someone
iii) send email >>
iv) share location
v) share plain text
vi) make a call to someone
vii) launch wifi/Bluetooth and many more settings
viii) open a web link
ix) open nokia music
x) launch an artist mix in nokia music
...and many more functions

Enjoy the beautiful modern user interface, learn more about nfc tags or buy some tags on amazon to get started.

Don't hesitate to give feedback via email about bugs or new requested features.

v2.2.3.4 added trial mode you can now download the app to see what you can do with it, you wont be able to write most kind of actions. Buying the full version will unlock everything and will remove the add banner.
Also now you can program a tag to open any application.

v2.2.0.3 added nokia music related actions

Make sure your device have NFC capabilities and if so the Tap+Share option under settings is turned ON.


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