Mental Calculation screenshot 1 Mental Calculation screenshot 2 Mental Calculation screenshot 3 Mental Calculation screenshot 4 Mental Calculation screenshot 5 Mental Calculation screenshot 6 Mental Calculation screenshot 7 Mental Calculation screenshot 8
Supported Devices
May 14,2019
1.38 MB
Release Date
This app help you to continuously improve your head calculation skills. Thanks to the many setting possibilities (Range of Numbers [1 to 9999], Decimal fractions [0.0 to 0.000], Calculations per test [1 to 100], Operators [Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication] and the test mode [manually or automatically] can customize the level of difficulty exactly your skills. A statistical analysis shows you the success rate today, last week, last month and measured over all test. In addition, you see the change (success rate and number of tests), so that you can immediately see your progress.
The app is multi-user compatible. For anyone who wants to use the app, you can set up its own user. On this way the statistical values are not be distorted!
As soon as you start a test, the app generates random numbers based on the current settings. The numbers are displayed sequentially. In manual test mode, you need to tap the screen for the next number. When the predefined number of calculations is reached, you will be prompted to enter the result. Finish the input with OK. The result is displayed immediately. See also some facts to test, e.g. number range (difference of the smallest and largest number in the test), test duration and the percentage of each operator. If your result was not correct, all numbers are listed again, so that you can analyze where the error was. To start a new test, tap on the screen or press the back button to get to the home page.

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