Jobs7 Free

Jobs7 Free

139 By‪DeskCoder‬   |   Free

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Supported Devices
May 20,2019
1.1 MB
Release Date
Need a job? Find your next job on your phone by searching the top job sites. Search for keywords in your area and find a job today.

Newest Version:
- Finally upgraded for Mango.
- Added the ability to share and email the job.
- Ability to email to support with bugs or enhancements.

Search the top job sites on the web for your dream job. Jobs7 searches Indeed and LinkUp to find the most relevant jobs in your area.

Enter a keyword to search for, and enter your zip code, and all current job openings will display for you to choose. Filter jobs by search radius and country as well. Pick from relevant job openings from the top businesses.

Newest Features:
- Upgraded to Mango
- Now you can share and email the job
- Added over 20 countries
- Fixed issue with app crashing
- You can now choose the distance that you want to search.
- Loading indicator now shows every time the app is retrieving data
- Getting your current location now more accurate

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