Inventory App screenshot 1 Inventory App screenshot 2 Inventory App screenshot 3 Inventory App screenshot 4 Inventory App screenshot 5
Supported Devices
May 18,2019
1.85 MB
Release Date
Inventory App is a simple app that lets you turn your Smartphone into a barcode scanner.
By scanning barcodes you can generate an inventory of stock.
Inventory items can be imported from a csv file or created at the time of the scan.
For each inventoried product you can assign a location, a production lot or serial number and its warehouse inventory.
It is possible to create several inventory lists and export them to a file on SkyDrive
There is a Wi-Fi function Scan that allows you to scan the barcode directly into a document on your PC. This means that the phone reads the barcode and sends it to the PC via Wifi.

*** To communicate with your PC download for free on your PC, the application InventoryAppServer from ***