Hypertext Notepad screenshot 1 Hypertext Notepad screenshot 2 Hypertext Notepad screenshot 3 Hypertext Notepad screenshot 4 Hypertext Notepad screenshot 5 Hypertext Notepad screenshot 6
Supported Devices
May 15,2019
13.78 MB
Release Date
"Hypertext Notepad" software is the Html format document editor, which is WYSIWYG in editing document.
This software has some functions of Word software, such as setting line spacing, font, size, color, bold and so on, and also insert graphics and add links.
This software is lighter than Word software, suitable for writing manuscripts, blogs, image annotation, etc. This software document is html format, can be used directly to write network articles.
This software supports Editing plain text files, supports hypertext and plain text conversion.
This software provide "recent files" menu, support file content search, can quickly find the necessary files.

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