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Supported Devices
May 13,2019
1.12 MB
Release Date
New in this version:
Performance Enhancements
Smaller File Size
Faster Response
Mathematics is the language of Physics and is very critical for understanding some of the advanced concepts in it. But many times, a great number of Physics enthusiasts often get intimidated by the vast amount of Mathematics used in Physics.
The app High School Physics tries to solve that problem. This app provides a great tool that helps student to concentrate on Physics without having to be drowned in the sea of Mathematical Equations.
Features of High School Physics App:
1. Equations Calculator for over 50 equations covering over 10+ topics.
2. 50+ Definitions covering all the topics.
3. Descriptions for all the Units and Lessons.
4. Wiki pages for all the Units and Lessons inside the app.
5. Equations List for all the formulae.

This is a preview of the Full app.
New version has bug fixes and performance optimization.