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Supported Devices
May 22,2019
442.79 KB
Release Date
Wish you could write code on your RT device?

Now you can!

HaxPad is a single-file programmers' editor for Windows 8 and Windows RT Modern UI. HaxPad offers syntax highlighting for 50 programming languages, and a broad range of tools to get you up and running in your RT environment.

Hot highlight matching, tag completion for HTML and XML, smart indentation, screen-top search/replace, line numbers, live highlighting of unbalanced HTML and XML, togglable word wrap, regular expression find, regular expression search-and-replace, twelve different color themes, and more. Get up and running immediately.

Nested highlighters, too. So when you're writing an HTML file, the CSS and JavaScript inside aren't weirdly broken.

Most of you will be looking for for C, C++, Java, PHP, JavaScript, HTML, XML, CSS, Objective C, Python, Ruby, Pascal, SQL, Haskell, Perl, Clojure, Erlang, CoffeeScript, or Visual Basic, and yep, we've got 'em.

But we've also got Apache Velocity templates, diffs, ECL, Google Go, Groovy, Haxe, Jinja 2, LESS, Common Lisp, Lua, Github Flavored Markdown, OCaml, properties files, R, RDF, RDF N-Triples, RDF Sparql, reStructuredText_, Rust, Scheme, shell, Sieve filters, Smalltalk, Smarty, the MySQL and Postgres dialects of SQL, TeX / LaTeX / sTeX (no rendering, just highlighting,) VBScript, WikiText in Tiki and Tiddlywiki flavors, XQuery, and YAML.

... the C# highlighter could use some work. :)

But, seriously. Now that you have that keyboard, get something done with it. HaxPad can get you started.