Desktop Client for Twitch screenshot 1 Desktop Client for Twitch screenshot 2 Desktop Client for Twitch screenshot 3
Supported Devices
Oct 20,2021
178.55 MB
For ages 13 and up
Release Date

Among dozen of live Streaming Software like StreamYard, Facebook Live, YouTube Live, Vimeo, Resi, Restream, Panopto, Periscope, Instagram Live (IGTV), Streamlabs... Twitch is the most popular for streaming of competitive multiplayer games, especially at the professional esports level, and the personal streams of individual players. While viewing a Twitch stream, you can comment alongside other viewers, and depending on the channel, you may be able to do things like make suggestions or ask questions and receive real-time answers
This application is a light and smooth client which provide you a better viewing Twitch's video experience.
Note: This application is a customized Twitch player and are not affiliated with Twitch Interactive Inc.

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