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Supported Devices
May 21,2019
2.66 MB
Release Date
(PUBLIC BETA RC8v22) Cybercrow is a Twitter app for Windows Phone 8.

NEW in RC8v22
- Emoticon support, Bugfixes
- Special thanks to: @rkanava
- Hopefully fixed start-up crash (again), but -> Reading direct messages no longer possible, will come back at a later point

NEW in RC8
- Profile page updated (location, homepage link, recent pictures)
- Press & hold tweet text inside single tweet to copy text
- Bugfixes

NEW in RC7.1
- Save / remove searches (account-bound)
- Bugfixes (suggestion dictionary)

NEW in RC7:
- Search for tweets nearby
- Banner in Profile Page
- Font size slightly bigger

NEW in RC6 / RC6.5):
- Inline images
- Dynamic loading of more tweets
- Context menu, bugfixes, performance tweaks

- RC6.5: Context menu update: "Copy tweet link"
- RC6.5: Char count for tweets

NEW in RC4 / RC5:
- Direct messages in notifications tab (view & reply, no toast yet) & in feather tab (switch button)
- Go home from any tweet
- Reorganized buttons
- Login crash fix

NEW in RC3:
- Load more (no more load more setting)

NEW in RC2:
- Double tap bell to reload notifications
- About page, feedback mail, rate app ...

NEW in RC1:
- Show replies to a tweet
- Accent Theme
- Settings Page, adjust number of tweets loaded
- Show recent followers

NEW in BETA06:
- Double tap the crow to reload timeline
- Send tweet to user from profile
- Notifications reformed (tap header to switch between mentions, RTs and more)
- Live Tiles changes, now also shows RTs (but you can't see from who yet)
- Transitions optimized

NEW in BETA05:
- Live Tile, Toast notifications (currently mentions only)
- Live Tile Accent Color setting
- (Small UI changes)

NEW in BETA04:
- Search function
- Reload

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