Currency rate of CBRF screenshot 1 Currency rate of CBRF screenshot 2 Currency rate of CBRF screenshot 3 Currency rate of CBRF screenshot 4
Supported Devices
May 19,2019
1.53 MB
Release Date
This application is for you if you need to know official current Russia central bank currency rate.
Live tiles give you ability to now not only current currency rate but also changes graph off latest month and changes for last day.
By clicking live tile you can dig dipper and see detailed graph on whole screen with marks on the most valuable rate changes.
You can customize information displayed on the live tiles.
Information on currency rates are taken from the website of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.
Also we give you ability to convert currencies to and from rubles without annoying pressing button (change conversion direction). The best ever currency conversion usability experience!
Please enjoy!

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