Cross the Water screenshot 1 Cross the Water screenshot 2 Cross the Water screenshot 3 Cross the Water screenshot 4 Cross the Water screenshot 5 Cross the Water screenshot 6 Cross the Water screenshot 7 Cross the Water screenshot 8 Cross the Water screenshot 9
Supported Devices
May 19,2019
11.72 MB
Release Date
Your aim is to transport a gnu, a penguin, and a fish to the other harbour side. However only one of these will fit in the boat along with you. If you leave the gnu alone with the penguin it will eat the penguin. If you leave the penguin alone with the fish it will eat the fish. Luckily the gnu won't eat fish.
Double-tap an animal to move it on or off the boat. You can also swipe it down to move it onto the boat and up to move it off of the boat. The animal being moved off the boat will be moved to the side where the boat is.
Double-tap the boat (avoiding the animal on it) to move the boat (and animal on it, if any) to the other side. You can also swipe the boat left or right to move it.
Each boat movement counts as a game move.

If the resolution of your device is such that manipulating the images is difficult you can turn on (using the settings icon) buttons which make life easier.