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May 15,2019
4.51 MB
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Welcome to Christian Meeting group, Christian Meeting was founded on 9-9-2009 by a group of Christian youth brought together from various nationalities and backgrounds, united by our common belief in the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
This is a very special day for us since it marked the beginning of of an amazing and wonderful journey that was originally started by a small group of Middle-Eastern Christian youth with the common goal of spreading the Word of God and making their voices heard all over the world. Christian Meeting became a place where young Christians find the courage and security to express and share their passions, dreams, aspirations, achievements and stories of success and failures despite of the differences in sects, opinions, languages, backgrounds or nationalities. It became a place where our young people can spread their positive energy and enthusiasm and share their talents through active discussions, competitions and even fun games and activities. This has allowed Christian Meeting to grow and collect valuable members who have become the founding rock in building a strong, global Christian community.

أهلاً بكَ في ملتقى شباب وبنات المسيح!

ملتقى شباب وبنات المسيح انطلق على الفيس في العام 2009 من خلال مجموعة من الشباب المسيحيين بهدف ايصال صوت الشباب المسيحي الى مختلف انحاء العالم وليكون المنبر الذي يعكس امال وتطلعات الشباب المسيحي.

التطبيق يحتوي على اخبار وصلوات وبالاضافة الى شبكة تواصل من خلال التويتر والانستكرام وذلك باضافة هاش تاك
الى تغيرداتك، ويحتوي التطبيق كذلك على مواهب اعضاء الملتقى واخبار وكل ما هو جديد