

2 ByValley Software   |   Free

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Supported Devices
May 15,2019
38.02 MB
Release Date
Need some help keeping up momentum? Inspire yourself daily with Chains.
**Updated for Windows 10 April 2018 release!**

To make change in your life, be it fitness, study, learning a skill or just remembering to clean the kitchen, you have to make it habit by doing it every day.

By making your goal a "Chain", every day you achieve your task, you grow your Chain by one. Each day your Chain gets longer you have more incentive to not break your streak.

As well as daily, Chains by Valley Software allows you to set weekly and monthly Chains too (take the kids to the pool or call your mother!)

You turn your success into reward and incentive!

Chains by Valley Software lets you have 3 Chains of any type in the Free version, no questions asked, no ads, no time limits.

Optionally you can at any time upgrade to the Pro version and gain unlimited number of Chains, along with the ability to schedule 'break' days in your week (For instance, you may work out every day EXCEPT the day after your big burn session, which is a recovery day) and individual notes for each day.

I hope that Chains by Valley Software can help you achieve your goals!

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