Cash Track

Cash Track

21 By‪CGen‬   |   Free

Cash Track screenshot 1 Cash Track screenshot 2 Cash Track screenshot 3 Cash Track screenshot 4
Supported Devices
May 22,2019
1.44 MB
Release Date
Cash Track manages your money, it records your day to day spending, allowing you to see where your money goes.

An unlimited number of categories you define allow you to keep track of your finances, both personal and business.

Use Cash Track to manage your corporate/business expense account, so you can see exactly how much you will be claiming at the end of the month.

Further location bug fixes for decimal numbers
Flurry analytics config change

v1.2.1.0 Changes
Location bug fixes
DB Schema version check added

v1.2.0.0 Changes
Added application feedback
Added application analytics
Use of universal application icons
Minor bug fixes

v1.1.0.0 Changes
Bug fixes for non English language users
Improved error handling

Planned changes on roadmap include;
Skydrive integration
Target budget
Improved charting :-)