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Supported Devices
May 17,2019
24.49 MB
Release Date
This is the best and most realistic 3D bowling game on the Windows. It is the only bowling game that fully embraces the incredible 3D physics engine and effects. Download Bowling PBA now for free!

Be the world's best player in 3D bowling game. How many consecutive strikes can you score?

Rules :
A bowling game is played in 10 "Frames". At each frame we have two throws. If we knock down all the pins the first time, it's a Strike and we do not do the second throw. If there are pins, we throw the ball a second time, and if we knock down all the remaining pins, it's a "Spare", otherwise it's a "Hole".

Be precise and give the ball the right power and effect to knock down all the pins. Strike after strike and let time pass! Have fun and Play now !