Bookviser Reader is a highly customizable eBook reader with easy access to thousands of free books ★ Simple and clean interface ★ Realistic page turning animation ★ Over 4 million users from over 150 countries ★ No ads! Features: ✔ FORMATS: fb2, ePub, txt ✔ CUSTOMIZATION * set color themes for day and night * set font type and size * adjust margins and line spacing * select page turning animation for landscape and portrait modes * add/remove on-page indicators (battery, time, page number and reading progress bar) ✔ "QUICK SETTINGS" MENU * easily adjust brightness while reading * easily switch between day/night mode * block/unblock automatic screen orientation * set font size on the go ✔ EASY ACCESS TO BOOKS * search and download books from integrated public catalogs – Feedbooks, Project Gutenberg, Smashword * easily connect other public OPDS catalogs * download books from browser * import your own books from your OneDrive or Bookviser account * import from SD card * import from file system ✔ WORK WITH TEXT * create bookmarks * copy, translate and share snippets of text * look up word definition * make highlights and notes ✔ LIBRARY MANAGEMENT * group books by authors and genres * sort alphabetically or by the date they were last opened * create custom categories ✔ SYNC and BACKUP (requires free sign up to Bookviser

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