Beansprout UWP screenshot 1 Beansprout UWP screenshot 2 Beansprout UWP screenshot 3 Beansprout UWP screenshot 4 Beansprout UWP screenshot 5 Beansprout UWP screenshot 6
Supported Devices
May 22,2019
30.91 MB
Release Date
Version 2.0 now 1.29USD in WindowsStore
if you still want to add in preview group, read below here.
App turns to Beta version
please entry the QQ Group : 455156484
or contact me with email : [email protected]
A 3rd-party Douban App for Windows10
You can share your notes, express your opinons about books or movies, and add in a group to chat with other people in by Beansprout UWP.
Now the app provides these features:
1) Index and content reading;
2) Movie/Book/Music-Index page native-work all done;
3) Other pages still in web view;
4) User home page is still in developing;
5) Some settings features;

Still in the development stage.
The developer is sometimes busy, and still have many work to do, so the progress of development may be a bit slow.