APOD by [@.i.]™ screenshot 1 APOD by [@.i.]™ screenshot 2 APOD by [@.i.]™ screenshot 3 APOD by [@.i.]™ screenshot 4 APOD by [@.i.]™ screenshot 5
Supported Devices
May 17,2019
30.49 MB
Release Date
NASA's Astronomy Picture of the Day is a well-known project that started back in 1995 and it provides a daily media with educational explanations of some amazing sights and events recorded in our Universe. Application automates a daily event and provides an experience for Educators and Enthusiasts to gett a daily newsfeed on the pick of the day! There is a limit of 50 downloads should you wish to see more than one, along with a calendar that dates to Launch Date back in '95!

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