Alterdesk messenger screenshot 1 Alterdesk messenger screenshot 2
Supported Devices
May 16,2019
6.35 MB
Release Date
The Alterdesk messenger enables you to exchange messages and files with your team members and other business contacts with ease, within a secure environment.

Optimize your workflow and achieve max productivity thanks to accessible communication and powerful collaboration!
A summary of our features:
- Real-time 1-on-1 conversations and group chats
- Optimal connectivity, no matter where you are
- Synced across desktops, tablets, smartphones and wearables
- Handy, time-saving integrations with a wide range of business tools
- Constant optimization and regular updates

The messenger is also HIPAA compliant, which means it adheres to the information security regulations for the healthcare industry. Alterdesk can be integrated with numerous EHR / ECR systems, making it possible for messenger conversations about / with specific patients to be available straight from their patient records. There is also a panic functionality specifically for Android smartphones. This functionality enables users to call for help via Alterdesk by means of a so-called ‘panic button’ that is plugged into their phone.

Frankwatching: "It is similar to WhatsApp, but then for business – with countless extra functionalities!”

Baaz: “The solution for the problem of endless email conversations.”

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