Access Netflix Easily! - Free Version. screenshot 1 Access Netflix Easily! - Free Version. screenshot 2 Access Netflix Easily! - Free Version. screenshot 3 Access Netflix Easily! - Free Version. screenshot 4 Access Netflix Easily! - Free Version. screenshot 5 Access Netflix Easily! - Free Version. screenshot 6 Access Netflix Easily! - Free Version. screenshot 7 Access Netflix Easily! - Free Version. screenshot 8 Access Netflix Easily! - Free Version. screenshot 9 Access Netflix Easily! - Free Version. screenshot 10
Supported Devices
PC,Mobile device
Oct 20,2021
240 KB
For all ages
Release Date

The contents of Netflix comes under twenty (20) main categories and one hundred and eighty (180) subcategories. Use this simple and FREE app/interface to access the Netflix content according to the main category you want. Just use your mouse to click on the relevant button--the app opens your default browser and directs it to the relevant Netflix page! There is a more comprehensive version of this app. It allows you to access all the subcategories as well as all the main categories. It costs $1.09, to download and get installed in your computer please follow the link .