Weekly Hot Apps for Windows 10

Most downloaded Apps and Games for Windows 10 in last week.

Feature Filters:
Kids Learn and Sing
Every Saturday, "Kids Learn and Sing" offers a new video to sing, play and most of all: to learn while having fun! Cartoons, nursery rhymes, animated films, songs with body and hands gestures, bedtime stories, and educationnal videos for kids, parents and even teachers! Find all your favorite characters from the pretty princesses to the adventurous pirates in our full of life nursery rhymes


Acoustic Guitar Songs
Playing the guitar is such fun and now it's never been easier with this app that has over 600 tutorial video lessons


A full-featured Personal Information Manager (PIM) that combines a transparent desktop calendar and scheduling program with multimedia reminders, an analog clock display, voice diary, and an encrypted diary in rich-text format


Bienvenue sur la chaîne pour enfants : Monde des Titounis ! Ici, les petits enfants trouveront chaque semaine de nouvelles vidéos pour chanter (avec une sélection des meilleurs comptines et chansons en français et en anglais), apprendre le français (avec des vidéos éducatives pour apprendre l'alphabet, les chiffres, les couleurs etc


- You use Excel or other CSV-compatible software to keep your hours


All the latest sneaker releases world-wide from Nike, Adidas and more


Featuring music and film clips from the movie, the “DisneyMusic” app allows you to sing along with your favorite songs, record your voice with the original instrumental tracks, and create a gallery of your performances! • the original Disney soundtrack •Music videos taken directly from the movie •Follow the lyrics •Listen to the vocal performances, or mute the voices to sing by yourself •Record your voice with the original music •Save your recordings to an in-app video gallery


Business Process Manager
Business Process Manager (BPM) allows you to optimize up to 10 regular Tasks of work over time


Русские народные песни
Collection of Russian folk songs, notes, chords, lyrics


Learn To Play Guitar
Learning to play the guitar can give a lifetime of fun and enjoyment


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