Youtube Downloader lib screenshot 1 Youtube Downloader lib screenshot 2 Youtube Downloader lib screenshot 3 Youtube Downloader lib screenshot 4 Youtube Downloader lib screenshot 5 Youtube Downloader lib screenshot 6 Youtube Downloader lib screenshot 7 Youtube Downloader lib screenshot 8 Youtube Downloader lib screenshot 9
Supported Devices
May 20,2019
30.07 MB
Release Date
The downloader 100% Faster depend on your internet speed.

And also it is not only an downloader , Downloader + File explorer + HD composer .

Important note
********* Until download 1080p video make sure the video had 1080p resolution exist => You can see it by check the "Get all checkbox" **********
If you see there 1080 exist then 1080 exist and ready to download ,

Please do not use it like blind u must have understand what have to do.

You can directly play a video by pressing play button ,video will run in media with selected resolution .

It is not free anymore , if u have old version already u can use that ,which still works ,

Using Tutroial Simple :
1. Search Video (Please be sure you have select resulation what u like so)
2. Press download button
3. You can find your video in your video library direction

I escalate the downloader .
Recommended Note : Use first Downloader button (it has active progressbar)
read below release not if any reason it get destruction then u can use second download button that does not contains progressbar

Now no need to open extra browser for copy url. Added default webbrowser for get link purpose.
You can rotate your screen and use it for view purpose .

Recommended Note : Do not press twice the download button , if u do so it will crash several time
and progressbar fake not works will fix that latter .

Recommended Note 2: Downloading lot video a time youtube stop steaming .

Recommended Note 3: Use 720 resulation if available other formate sometime not works to run in default media

This is a great And Powerful application for Windows Phone. This Application let you download from youtube .Download use libvideo ref .There is no chance to fail.After Press Download button you must wait for the processing , Some time it may take time for grab uri .And also it depend on your internet speed. It works to download any YouTube video .It also let you choose location to save the file . Download speed super fast , please comment below if face any kind of problem .