Writer-ExtensionClipper screenshot 1 Writer-ExtensionClipper screenshot 2
Supported Devices
May 16,2019
316 KB
Release Date
Love using Writer? Here's a great time saver for you! Use the Writer extension to quickly create and access Writer documents in just a couple of clicks. Here's everything you can do with it:

- Quickly access the list of your most recent documents.
- Clip interesting content to Writer by converting it to a new document.
- Import your existing MS Word documents to Writer.
- Quickly start with a new template.
- Import MS Word or other supported files directly to Writer as you download them.
- Go to the Writer dashboard to view all your Writer documents.

Install the extension to get the most out of Writer (and also save time!). What are you waiting for? Get started. Write away!

Learn more about Writer at zoho.com/writer
Send us your feedback to [email protected]

Happy writing!

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