SixPack Abs in 6 Weeks screenshot 1 SixPack Abs in 6 Weeks screenshot 2 SixPack Abs in 6 Weeks screenshot 3 SixPack Abs in 6 Weeks screenshot 4 SixPack Abs in 6 Weeks screenshot 5 SixPack Abs in 6 Weeks screenshot 6
Supported Devices
May 22,2019
3.58 MB
Release Date
In a lot of people's eyes, a well-built six pack is a symbol of superior fitness levels, and it is the goal of many men and women. Under normal circumstances, it takes a lot of hard work and going the extra mile to make it happen. But when you want to accomplish this in 6 weeks, it involves even more work and discipline; however, it is not impossible--you just need to follow the right strategy to bring it to fruition.
Step 1:
Clean up the diet. In order to get a six pack, you must eliminate foods that are going to slow you down and add foods that are going to give you energy. Eliminate deep fried foods, processed foods, refined foods and foods that are high in saturated fats. Instead, eat foods that are nutrient-dense, high in fiber and low in fat. Some examples are lean meats, low fat dairy, fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, legumes and whole grains.
Step 2:
Cut out the liquid calories. Calories in the form of liquid are still calories, and they can lead to weight gain. Eliminate highly sugared beverages like soda, sweetened treas, high-calorie coffee drinks and alcohol. Instead, choose water, as it is free of calories, hydrates the body and helps metabolize fat. According to the Mayo Clinic, women should consume 2.2 liters a day and men should consume 3 liters a day.
Step 3:
Work your abs. To create symmetry in your abs, focus on all the muscles of the core. Some examples of exercises include Swiss ball leg raises, jacknifes, Swiss ball side crunches, bicycle crunches, Swiss ball crunches and hanging leg raises. Perform 15 to 20 reps of each exercise, and do them all in a row with no rest. That is one circuit. Wait for 60 seconds, then do four to five more circuits with 60-second rest intervals after each one (see Resources).

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