

6   |   Free

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Supported Devices
May 14,2019
5.58 MB
Release Date
Reader4Book is ebook reader for Windows Phone 8
With Reader4Book you can:
- Read ebooks in EPUB (without DRM), Mobi (without DRM) or FB2 (compressed single FB2 book in zip).
- Import EPUB/FB2/Mobi files from OneDrive/DropBox/SDCard.
- Read, search (with/without diacritics), mark and copy book fragments.
- Customize fonts and colors.
- Brightness control.
- Quick reverse color page, background / font (night & day)
- Customize page margins.
- Customize page animation.
- Landscape/portrait mode
- Browse book contents.
- Zoom images in view.
- Save images from book.
- Create bookmarks
- Listen to the content using installed speech synthesizer.
- Pin the book to the start screen.
- Sort the books in attributes
- An additional mode of reading books with defects.
- Import books formatting errors and fix readability.
- Listen to the content under lock screen

To listen to the content you must install the necessary language synthesizer in the phone system settings.

Due to the limitations of the system - in the SD card .zip with fb2 need rename in .zfb2 or .zip.fb2.

The free version listening text within a single page

Reading and import of content for the first time, it will take some time, but the others are very fast.

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