Matrix Calculus screenshot 1 Matrix Calculus screenshot 2 Matrix Calculus screenshot 3 Matrix Calculus screenshot 4
Supported Devices
May 15,2019
26 MB
Release Date
Matrix Calculus is the best current application for mathematical operations involving real numbers,
multidimensional matrices and matrices. With paid option it also allows operations on complex numbers and matrices.

It is able to perform all standard mathematical calculations on numbers, vectors (dimension 1 matrices) and matrices
from 2 to 5 dimensions with the only limit of maximum 3200 elements.

Normal operations on integers and fractional numbers are all easy to use.
The number of decimals or the precision of the result can be changed from 0 to 10.

Matrices and results can be saved for future use.

The possible operations are the standard of mathematics and the following operations on the matrix:

* = product matrix
/ = division of two matrices, or product of the inverse matrix
^ = power of a matrix (only with integers)
+ = sum of the matrix
- = matrix of differences
Det = Determinant
Tra = transposed matrix
Inv = inverse matrix
Adj = added matrix
tr (A) = trace of the matrix A
Unit = matrix unit
Rank = rank of the matrix
Erf = error function erf
REF = Row Echelon Form matrix (system solution)
The following operations with the matrix are operative only with the Pro version:
Inv + = Moore - Pseudo inverse of Penrose
Eigen = matrix eigenvalues
Avoid = matrix autovectors
Vsing = singular values โ€‹โ€‹of the matrix S
Uvect = singular matrix of the left vector U
Vvect = singular matrix of the right vector V
Dsum = direct matrix sum
External = external product
L (L * L ') = Lower triangular matrix L so that A = L * L'
Q (Q * R) = left matrix Q so that A = Q * R
R (Q * R) = Wright matrix R so thar A = Q * R
Jordan = Jordan matrix J
|| A || = Norm of Frobenius
e ^ A = exponential of the matrix A
โˆš A = square root matrix