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Supported Devices
May 15,2019
21 MB
Release Date
Try association experiment exactly as Carl Gustav Jung did many years!

The word association technique represents a very beneficial method in knowing the inside of a human being and in discovering its hidden problems, which may appear externally in the areas where the least is expected.

Game is based on the psychoanalytic work in the therapies led by Carl Gustav Jung and has the following elements:

- game is split into client and therapist role (you can choose one or both of the roles)
- client associates the words that the therapist has previously created (another player or artificial intelligence)
- time is measured for how long the client responds to a word before he creates an association (but it isn't an IQ test)
- you can use voice recognition (Google) to create associated words
- therapy can be commented on by both the client and the therapist
- there is a dictionary of words written by Carl Gustav Jung for several years

I'm looking forward to your comments :)