

2 ByInteract Software   |   Free

IA4Edge screenshot 1
Supported Devices
May 15,2019
17.59 MB
Release Date
The purpose of this extension is to monitor web applications by using a synthetic file provided by this analyzer (IA4EDGE). Results of this analyzer are available into a user's session. by default files results will be generated into folder "C:\Users\\AppData\Local\Temp\"
To analyze a web site performance, you are able to open results files with your favorite "Text Reader" tool (Notepad, Notepad++, Excel, ...) and identify what's wrong from a specific WebSite (Error, performance issues...)

File uses tabulation separator between each field:
"EVTn TabId DateEvt URL locationName TITLE DateRelative ErrorCode ErrorDescription ExtraData URLLoc".

Details of each field :
Field Name Description
EVTn Indicates the type of event. "N" is replaced by a number. For example: EVT1.
TabId Id of the tab on which the event is
DateEvt EPOCH date of the event
URL Current URL the event is about
locationName Not used.
Title Title of the tab
DateRelative Relative time since the creation date of the internal tab object.
ErrorCode Error code (in the case of an error) or NULL
ErrorDescription Error description string (in the case of an error) or NULL
ExtraData String containing data (depending on events) or NULL if not used.
URLLoc Home URL of the tab (for example: « https://www.msn.com/en-us/news »)

You can find details abouts each event processed by IA4Edge (EVT) :
Event Condition Description
EVT1 No condition Creating a tab.
EVT3 No condition Navigation start - Extra Data = ""
EVT4 No condition Navigation end - ExtraData = ""
EVT7 No condition Navigation error or Load ErrorCode = 0 ErrorDescription = error details
EVT9 If Fulltrack and TransacHTTP are True Start of a detailed http request (HttpTransac) ExtraData = "; ;"
EVT10 If Fulltrack and TransacHTTP are True END of http request (HttpTransac) ExtraData = ";;"
EVT11 If Fulltrack and TransacHTTP are True Detailed http request error (HttpTransac) ExtraData = "; ;"
EVT12 No condition Deleting a tab
EVT20 xmlhttprequest Start of query of type Filter XMLHTTPResquest - ExtraData = _
EVT21 Xmlhttprequest End of query of type Filter ExtraData= _ "
EVT30 No condition Start of an http load request - ExtraData = _
EVT40 No condition End of an http load request - ExtraData = _