HoloTerrain screenshot 1 HoloTerrain screenshot 2 HoloTerrain screenshot 3 HoloTerrain screenshot 4 HoloTerrain screenshot 5
Supported Devices
May 17,2019
50.12 MB
Release Date
Holo Terrain is a 3D terrain and map visualization tool for HoloLens with *SHARED HOLOGRAPHIC EXPERIENCE*. Experience our beautiful planet like never before. Enjoy the glory of the mountains, hills, deserts, snowy peaks and green valleys.
Holo Terrain gives a bird eye view of our earth rendered as 3 dimensional terrain. There are 4 zoom levels available and the terrain board can be scaled to your liking. Check out our 6 favorite locations or search for a city / locality name of your choice.
For shared multi-lens session, please make sure to scan the room thoroughly.

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