Gamma Radiation Monitoring - USA screenshot 1 Gamma Radiation Monitoring - USA screenshot 2 Gamma Radiation Monitoring - USA screenshot 3 Gamma Radiation Monitoring - USA screenshot 4 Gamma Radiation Monitoring - USA screenshot 5 Gamma Radiation Monitoring - USA screenshot 6 Gamma Radiation Monitoring - USA screenshot 7 Gamma Radiation Monitoring - USA screenshot 8 Gamma Radiation Monitoring - USA screenshot 9
Supported Devices
May 18,2019
26.47 MB
Release Date
All data originates from the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency of the USA) in the public domain. The latest four months of Gamma Counts per minute of energy range or sum of counts per minute are displayed as is, where available, without any change.
This app is not affiliated to the EPA or its providers and utilities.
Any changes by the EPA will impact on the availability of the data without notice, for which no liability is accepted, and the entity remains under no obligation to release any data and the app publishers do not wish to intervene when a station is down or where a glitch has occurred.
By acquiring the app, the app publishers will not accept any responsibility if the information or data is, for whatever reason corrupted or does not reach its intended destination, arising from, out of or in connection with any malfunction. Please acquire this app for personal use only.
None of your other folders or information are affected by this app.
An internet network connection is required.