Free Color Picker: color picker from screen, html color picker, hex color picker screenshot 1 Free Color Picker: color picker from screen, html color picker, hex color picker screenshot 2 Free Color Picker: color picker from screen, html color picker, hex color picker screenshot 3 Free Color Picker: color picker from screen, html color picker, hex color picker screenshot 4
Supported Devices
May 19,2019
27.79 MB
Release Date
Free Color Picker is a power UWP color picker. With this tool you can easily pick color from screen or an image file.

It is very easy to use. You press the System Print Screen key or Win + Shift + S keys to capture a screen image to the clipboard. And click the Clipboard button on the main window of Free Color Picker. The image will be loaded and you can pick color from any point of the image. We strongly suggest you pick color from screen in this way.

1. Pick color from image in the clipboard.
2. Pick color from an image file on the disk.
3. Pick color from the Screen Capture function of UWP API.
4. Get color in Hex, HTML, RGB, HSL, CMYK formats.
5. Adjust color with a color picker panel and a slider.
6. Adjust color by changing any value of one format - others change synchronously.
7. Free and easy to use.